Second Anniversary

Gigi Labs is 2 years old today! To date, over 150 articles have been published here, mainly on software development.

Something around 30 articles of these have been migrated from Gigi Labs’ predecessor, Programmer’s Ranch. This constitutes around one third of the Ranch’s content. Some might think that I’m merely reposting the old articles, but I am going through a lot of effort to bring them up to date and provide all my content on a single website.

Regular readers of Gigi Labs probably noticed that I am posting articles a lot less regularly than I used to, and this trend is expected to continue. The reasons for that are (1) that I am occupied with other things, especially travelling, and (2) I am learning a lot of new tech, and that takes a lot of time. But this means I’ll be able to write articles that are more useful and unique.

Gigi Labs is about quality, not quantity. I’d much rather write a unique and well-researched article once in a while than a stream of basic tutorials that you can find elsewhere on the web.

I would like to thank those who have provided comments and corrections to my articles in these 2 years. My knowledge is limited and I am more than happy to learn new things from other people’s experiences. So keep them coming!

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