3 Stupid Article Title Patterns

If you use social media (e.g. Facebook) a lot, you’ll notice that your friends probably share a lot of crap, ranging from Farmville invitations to ‘inspirational’ (*cough*) articles. Over the years, you probably noticed that a lot of the articles they share seem to follow a small set of clichéd patterns. Here are three particular ones I’ve come across.

1. n Things


Look at the image above. The article itself and the majority of the ones linked on the side follow the same pattern: “6 Reasons…”, “5 Things”, etc. In fact, I deliberately used such a pattern even for this article, to help get the message across.

An “n Things” article is typically little more than a random list of items, often based on the author’s limited experience and viewpoint rather than on any relevant sources. There is no particular structure in such articles. In fact, even the numbering itself is misleading: these articles often list items in no particular order. This is in stark contrast with factual news articles which use the inverted pyramid as a model to present information progressively in descending order of importance.


A variant of this is the “Top n” article, such as “Top 10 places to visit in Dublin”. In this case there really is an ordering. However, it’s not always quite reliable. If it’s some top 10 list on someone’s blog, then that’s just the (only?) 10 places he happened to visit. Some more reputable sites might refer to some actual statistics, but the criteria used to evaluate the items and come up with a ranking are usually quite debatable.

2. Questions


I’m not the first person to feel uneasy whenever I see a title that ends in a question mark. In fact, Betteridge’s Law of Headlines states that:

“Any headline which ends in a question mark can be answered by the word no.”

Again quoting the above-linked Wikipedia article, Betteridge was quoted thusly about a particular article:

“This story is a great demonstration of my maxim that any headline which ends in a question mark can be answered by the word “no.” The reason why journalists use that style of headline is that they know the story is probably bullshit, and don’t actually have the sources and facts to back it up, but still want to run it.”

I don’t think this requires further elaboration.

3. Future Predictors


Articles that contain the word “Will” are usually one of two types. If they end in a question mark, then refer to Betteridge’s Law above. If they don’t, then they’re making some kind of grand statement about how things will be in the future.

You might think that people writing such articles have been blessed with the gift of prophecy. More often than not, however, they have no idea what they are talking about. Such articles tend to make grand claims about the future, either depicting some sort of utopia or scaremongering on the bleakness that is to come. But in reality, nobody knows what will happen in the future, and the people who write these kinds of articles are usually not among the few who might be able to make educated guesses about what will happen.

Not convinced? Check out the comments for the above Slashdot article.

A Redis Analogy in .NET

In this article, we’re going to create a simple Console Application that feels a little bit like Redis. The intention is simply to illustrate what you can do with Redis, not to create anything serious. For this reason, the code will be greatly simplified: we’ll have only a subset of Redis commands, no multithreading, no client/server code, (almost) no parameter validation, and no architecture whatsoever.


Redis is a key-value store. You can think of it as a dictionary. In its simplest sense, it could be represented like this:

var store = new Dictionary<string, string>();

However, values in Redis can be more than just strings. In fact, Redis currently supports five main data types:

  • Strings
  • Lists
  • Hashes
  • Sets
  • Sorted Sets

Since in .NET these data types don’t share a common interface, we will be representing our values as plain objects:

var store = new Dictionary<string, object>();

This will result in some unfortunate type checking code, but this is necessary in this case. Maintaining a separate dictionary per type is not feasible since keys must be globally unique (i.e. you can’t use the same key for a list and a hash).

Note also how the use of a dictionary as an in-memory store means we aren’t persisting anything to disk. This might seem to be an oversimplification, but Redis’ default configuration is actually to store data only in memory. It does support persistence if you need it, but we won’t go there.

Redis supports a simple protocol which feels a bit like issuing commands in a command line if you use something like IMAPTalk. Thus, in our Console Application, we’ll use the following code to simulate Redis’ command processing logic:

            string input = string.Empty;

            while (true)
                input = Console.ReadLine();

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
                    var tokens = input.Split(); // split the input into words or tokens

                    if (tokens.Length >= 1)
                        string command = tokens.First().ToLowerInvariant();

                                    // TODO command handling code goes here
                                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecognized command.");
                        catch (Exception)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid command.");

The above code just accepts input, checks what the command is, and takes action accordingly. In the next sections, we’ll replace that TODO with code to actually handle some of the commands.



The simplest data type in Redis is the string. You can easily assign a value to a key using the SET command, and then retrieve that value using the GET command, as shown above. The SET command is just a matter of assigning the value in the dictionary:

                                case "set":
                                        string key = tokens[1];
                                        string value = tokens[2];
                                        store[key] = value;

The GET command similarly involves basic retrieval from the dictionary, but we also need to cater for non-existent keys, and values that are not strings:

                                case "get":
                                        string key = tokens[1];
                                        if (store.ContainsKey(key))
                                            var value = store[key] as string;
                                            if (value != null)
                                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid data type!");
                                            Console.WriteLine("Key not found!");

We can also support key removal using the DEL command. Again, this is a simple operation against the dictionary:

                                case "del":
                                        string key = tokens[1];

We can now test our three basic string commands:




Redis also supports Lists. You can use the LPUSH and RPUSH commands to add an item to the beginning or end of a list respectively – allowing you to easily use the list as a stack or a queue as well. These operations also automatically create the list if it doesn’t already exist.

Here’s how we can implement LPUSH:

                                case "lpush":
                                        string key = tokens[1];
                                        string value = tokens[2];
                                        List<string> list = null;

                                        // create/get list

                                        if (!store.ContainsKey(key))
                                            list = new List<string>();
                                            store[key] = list;
                                            list = store[key] as List<string>;

                                        // insert new value in list

                                        if (list != null)
                                            list.Insert(0, value);
                                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid data type!");

The first thing we do here is retrieve the list we’re going to work with. If it doesn’t exist, we create it. We can then proceed to insert the new item into the list – in this case using List<T>.Insert() to put the item at the beginning of the list.

Note that in Redis, LPUSH actually supports insertion of multiple items with the same command. I’m not doing that here to keep things as simple as possible.

RPUSH is pretty much the same thing, except that you call List<T>.Add() instead of .Insert(), so that the new item ends up at the end of the list.

To remove items from the list, we’ll implement LPOP and RPOP, which remove items from the beginning and end of the list respectively. Here’s LPOP:

                                case "lpop":
                                        string key = tokens[1];
                                        if (store.ContainsKey(key))
                                            var list = store[key] as List<string>;
                                            if (list != null)
                                                if (list.Count > 0)
                                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid data type!");
                                            Console.WriteLine("Key not found!");

Aside from all the validity checks, all we’re doing here is returning the first item in the list, and then removing it. If there are no items in the list, we simply return “Empty!”.

For RPOP, the only difference is that we retrieve and remove the last item instead:

                                                    list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1);

Finally, we need something that can retrieve items in the list (without removing them). For this we have LRANGE, which retrieves a specified range of items (e.g. item #2 till item #4) from the beginning of the list. Indices may be out of range without causing errors; the indices that actually exist will be returned.

Here is the implementation for LRANGE:

                                case "lrange":
                                        string key = tokens[1];
                                        int start = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[2]);
                                        int stop = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[3]);

                                        if (start > stop)
                                        else if (store.ContainsKey(key))
                                            var list = store[key] as List<string>;
                                            if (list != null)
                                                if (start < 0)
                                                    start = 0;

                                                if (stop > list.Count - 1)
                                                    stop = list.Count - 1;

                                                var items = list.GetRange(start, stop - start + 1);
                                                if (items.Any())
                                                    foreach(var item in items)
                                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid data type!");
                                            Console.WriteLine("Key not found!");

We can now test our list functionality:




Hashes are like dictionaries in themselves. Rather than mapping a value directly to a key, hashes map values onto a field of a key. This allows you to represent objects with a number of attributes (e.g. a customer having separate values for Name, Age, etc).

With HSET, we can assign a value to a key-field, as shown in the screenshot above. Like with Lists, this operation creates the Hash if it doesn’t already exist. Here’s the HSET implementation:

                                case "hset":
                                        string key = tokens[1];
                                        string field = tokens[2];
                                        string value = tokens[3];
                                        Dictionary<string, string> hash = null;

                                        // create/get hash

                                        if (!store.ContainsKey(key))
                                            hash = new Dictionary<string, string>();
                                            store[key] = hash;
                                            hash = store[key] as Dictionary<string, string>;

                                        // set field in hash

                                        if (hash != null)
                                            hash[field] = value;
                                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid data type!");

The code is very similar to that of LPUSH, with the difference that the key now maps to a dictionary (the hash), and the value is assigned to a field on that hash. Think of it as: key -> field -> value.

After using HSET to set a value, we can retrieve it with HGET:

                                case "hget":
                                        string key = tokens[1];
                                        string field = tokens[2];

                                        if (store.ContainsKey(key))
                                            var hash = store[key] as Dictionary<string, string>;

                                            if (hash != null)
                                                if (hash.ContainsKey(field))
                                                    Console.WriteLine("Field not found!");
                                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid data type!");
                                            Console.WriteLine("Key not found!");

HKEYS can be used to retrieve all fields of a hash, given the key:

                                case "hkeys":
                                        string key = tokens[1];

                                        if (store.ContainsKey(key))
                                            var hash = store[key] as Dictionary<string, string>;

                                            if (hash != null)
                                                foreach (var field in hash.Keys)
                                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid data type!");
                                            Console.WriteLine("Key not found!");

HGETALL, on the other hand, gets all fields of a hash and their corresponding values:

                                case "hgetall":
                                        string key = tokens[1];

                                        if (store.ContainsKey(key))
                                            var hash = store[key] as Dictionary<string, string>;

                                            if (hash != null)
                                                foreach (var kvp in hash)
                                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid data type!");
                                            Console.WriteLine("Key not found!");

Let’s test out our hash functionality:




Sets in Redis are the mathematical kind: all items in a set are distinct, and multiple sets may be combined via standard set operations (union, intersection and difference).

Use SADD to add one or more items to a set. If the set does not exist, it will be created automatically. Here’s the SADD implementation:

                                case "sadd":
                                        string key = tokens[1];
                                        var members = tokens.Skip(2); // sadd key member [member ...]
                                        HashSet<string> set = null;

                                        // create/get set

                                        if (!store.ContainsKey(key))
                                            set = new HashSet<string>();
                                            store[key] = set;
                                            set = store[key] as HashSet<string>;

                                        // add member to set

                                        if (set != null)
                                            foreach (var member in members)

                                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid data type!");

SMEMBERS gives you all the members of the set:

                                case "smembers":
                                        string key = tokens[1];

                                        if (store.ContainsKey(key))
                                            var set = store[key] as HashSet<string>;

                                            if (set != null)
                                                foreach (var member in set)
                                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid data type!");
                                            Console.WriteLine("Key not found!");

Standard set operations (union, intersection and difference) require two sets. If either doesn’t exist, these operations will return an empty set rather than giving any kind of error. In Redis, these operations may work on multiple sets at once; but in these examples we’re going to limit the scenario to two sets at a time for the sake of simplicity.

Set union (SUNION) returns all distinct items in the specified sets:

                                case "sunion":
                                        List<HashSet<string>> sets = new List<HashSet<string>>();

                                        var key1 = tokens[1];
                                        var key2 = tokens[2];

                                        // let's assume the keys exist and are the correct type

                                        var set1 = store[key1] as HashSet<string>;
                                        var set2 = store[key2] as HashSet<string>;

                                        // get union

                                        var union = set1.Union(set2);
                                        foreach(var member in union)

Set intersection (SINTER) returns those items which are common to both sets:

                                case "sinter":
                                        List<HashSet<string>> sets = new List<HashSet<string>>();

                                        var key1 = tokens[1];
                                        var key2 = tokens[2];

                                        // let's assume the keys exist and are the correct type

                                        var set1 = store[key1] as HashSet<string>;
                                        var set2 = store[key2] as HashSet<string>;

                                        // get intersection

                                        var union = set1.Intersect(set2);
                                        foreach (var member in union)

Finally, set difference (SDIFF) returns those items which are in the first set but which are not in the second:

                                case "sdiff":
                                        List<HashSet<string>> sets = new List<HashSet<string>>();

                                        var key1 = tokens[1];
                                        var key2 = tokens[2];

                                        // let's assume the keys exist and are the correct type

                                        var set1 = store[key1] as HashSet<string>;
                                        var set2 = store[key2] as HashSet<string>;

                                        // get intersection

                                        var union = set1.Except(set2);
                                        foreach (var member in union)

Let’s test that out:


Sorted Sets


Sorted Sets in Redis are similar to sets, but their members are sorted by a score. This may be used for any kind of ordering from the latest 5 comments to the top 5 posts with most likes.

We can represent a Sorted Set similarly to a hash, using the scheme key -> score -> value. However, there are two main differences from a hash:

  • For each score, there may be multiple values; these are sorted lexicographically.
  • The scores are ordered (sorted).

The implementation of a Sorted Set in .NET is not as trivial as the other data types, and requires a combination of collections. While a simple representation could be made by combining a SortedDictionary (score -> values) with a SortedSet (distinct and sorted values), this would not allow all Sorted Set commands to be supported (e.g. ZRANK can find the index of a given value, requiring a reverse lookup).

Sorted Sets are thus beyond the scope of this article, which is intended to provide a simple mapping between Redis data types and .NET collections.


This article explained how the Redis data types work, and showed how some of their operations may be implemented using standard .NET collections. A typical mapping could be:

  • Strings – strings
  • Lists – Lists
  • Hashes – Dictionaries or ConcurrentDictionaries
  • Sets – HashSets
  • Sorted Sets – a custom data structure

Source Code

The source code for this article is available on BitBucket.

IMAPTalk 2 (final) Released

The final version of IMAPTalk 2 has finally been released. This version is mostly the same as the beta 3 release from last week. IMAPTalk 2 had been in beta since October, allowing ample time for testing.

The IMAPTalk page has also been updated to reflect the new version. Some older downloads, instructions and screenshots from the early versions have been removed. Go there to download the latest version!

Remember that since beta 3, IMAPTalk can be used for manual interaction with Redis servers. I am planning some new tools (for upcoming releases) that should be useful when using IMAPTalk for Redis.

A Framework for Application Settings

It is a very common practice to store settings in config keys within the AppSettings section of an App.config file. These settings then need to be read and converted to the appropriate type. One must also take care to cater for situations where the key is not found, or the value is invalid. This article provides a structured approach to this practice. Feel free to review and use the accompanying source code.

Update 2015-02-28: I made a minor improvement to ReadAsync() suggested by Stephen Cleary, who I thank for the code review.

Update 2015-03-03: Some people have asked why we actually need AppSettings any more, given that there are alternatives such as .NET Settings or custom configuration sections. They are correct. However I still see a lot of projects using AppSettings, and this article is intended to provide a better way to deal with those AppSettings.

Update 2015-11-12: If you want to use this in your own code, check out my .NET Settings Framework project which is based on this article and provides NuGet packages that you can just drop into your projects.

The Problem

I’ve seen a lot of production code that reads values from config keys in App.config that looks something like this:

            // set a default, just in case the key is not found or the conversion fails

            int timeout = 3000;

            // retrieve the value for the desired key

            string timeoutStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["timeoutInMilliseconds"];

            // check whether the key was actually found; if not, the default value is retained

            if (timeoutStr != null)
                // attempt to convert to the desired type
                //   -> if it succeeds, the default value is replaced with the retrieved value
                //   -> if it fails, the default value is retained

                bool converted = int.TryParse(timeoutStr, out timeout);

Aside from the bloat due to comments and braces (which were both necessary to make this example clear), you can see that we essentially have four lines of code just to read an integer setting from App.config.

What’s really bad is that there will essentially be four lines of code for every setting, all doing essentially the same thing for different settings. That isn’t very DRY.

A Basic Solution

One of my earlier attempts at solving this problem involved a utility class which took care of reading the settings and converting them to the appropriate type, using a specific method per type:

    public class ConfigKey
        private string key;

        public ConfigKey(string key)
            this.key = key;

        public int GetAsInt(int defaultValue = 0)
            int value = defaultValue;

            string valueStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[this.key];

            if (valueStr != null)
                bool converted = int.TryParse(valueStr, out value);

            return value;

        public bool GetAsBool(bool defaultValue = false)
            bool value = defaultValue;

            string valueStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[this.key];

            if (valueStr != null)
                bool converted = bool.TryParse(valueStr, out value);

            return value;

        // ...

This approach was pretty decent, as it made it very easy to read settings and specify optional default values:

            int timeout = new ConfigKey("timeoutInMilliseconds").GetAsInt(3000);
            bool enabled = new ConfigKey("enabled").GetAsBool(false);

The only problem with this class is that while removes the bloat and duplication from the actual logic, it is full of duplication itself: you need a method per type to perform the type-specific conversion.

A Generic Approach

The duplication in the ConfigKey class is solved by using a generic conversion method:

        public T Get<T>(T defaultValue = default(T)) where T : IConvertible
            T value = defaultValue;

            string valueStr = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[this.key];

            if (valueStr != null)
                    value = (T)Convert.ChangeType(valueStr, typeof(T));
                    return defaultValue;

            return value;

The usage changes as follows:

            int timeout = new ConfigKey("timeoutInMilliseconds").Get<int>(3000);
            bool enabled = new ConfigKey("enabled").Get<bool>(false);

That’s good enough for reading settings from App.config.

Dependency injection

In order to unit test our ConfigKey class, it’s best if we abstract out the dependency on App.config. In particular, we want to separate the part that reads the settings (reader) from the part that does the conversion and returns the value (provider).

For this, we need two interfaces. First, IConfigKeyReader is responsible to read the value of a setting from a source (e.g. App.config):

    public interface IConfigKeyReader
        string Read(string key);

Secondly, IConfigKeyProvider does all the rest: given a key, it returns a value (by internally using the IConfigKeyReader, which is not immediately evident from the interface):

    public interface IConfigKeyProvider
        T Get<T>(string key, T defaultValue = default(T)) where T : IConvertible;

The IConfigKeyReader implementation for reading from App.config is extremely simple:

    public class AppSettingReader : IConfigKeyReader
        public string Read(string key)
            return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key];

The IConfigKeyProvider for App.config settings is almost the same as the code we had in the previous section, with one important exception: it no longer depends directly on ConfigurationManager. Instead, it depends on the IConfigKeyReader which is injected in the constructor. This reader can be mocked in unit tests.

    public class ConfigKeyProvider: IConfigKeyProvider
        private IConfigKeyReader reader;

        public ConfigKeyProvider(IConfigKeyReader reader)
            this.reader = reader;

        public T Get<T>(string key, T defaultValue = default(T)) where T : IConvertible
            T value = defaultValue;

            string valueStr = reader.Read(key);

            if (valueStr != null)
                    value = (T)Convert.ChangeType(valueStr, typeof(T));
                catch (Exception)
                    return defaultValue;

            return value;

You’ll also notice that we can now use a single instance of this AppSettingProvider to retrieve all our settings, rather than create a different ConfigKey for each setting. This approach is pretty handy if you’re using an IoC container to inject utility classes into your class constructors.

At this point we can throw away our old ConfigKey class, and instead use the new classes as follows:

            var reader = new AppSettingReader();
            var provider = new ConfigKeyProvider(reader);

            int timeout = provider.Get<int>("timeoutInMilliseconds", 3000);
            bool enabled = provider.Get<bool>("enabled", false);

Unit tests

Thanks to the separation between reader and provider, it is now easy to unit test our provider code while mocking our reader code. The reader will be source-specific and depends on external factors (e.g. files or databases) so it doesn’t make sense to unit test that. But we can unit test our provider, which handles the conversion and default values, and which will be reused whatever the reader (in fact notice the names used in the code above: AppSettingReader is specific to App.config AppSettings, but ConfigKeyProvider is used for any config key).

In the example unit test below, I’m using Moq to create a mock IConfigKeyReader, and thus test that the provider code works as expected:

        public void Get_IntAvailableWithDefault_ValueReturned()
            // arrange

            var key = "timeoutInMilliseconds";

            var reader = new Mock<IConfigKeyReader>();
            reader.Setup(r => r.Read(key)).Returns("5000");

            var provider = new ConfigKeyProvider(reader.Object);

            // act

            var expected = 5000;
            var actual = provider.Get<int>(key, 3000);

            // assert

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);

For the sake of brevity I won’t include the other unit tests here, but you can find them in the source code accompanying this article.

Database settings

The separation between reader and provider that we achieved in the previous section means that we can reuse the provider code (responsible for conversion and default values) regardless of the source of the settings. This means that anyone can write, for example, a DbSettingReader class which implements IConfigKeyReader and retrieves settings from a database. Its implementation would depend on the database structure so there won’t be any single standard implementation.

However, there is one improvement to our framework that we can make to facilitate reading settings from external sources such as databases. In particular, nowadays it is quite easy to query a database asynchronously without having to block the application. So it makes sense to add support for async methods in our interfaces so that anyone writing a DbSettingReader can then provide an asynchronous implementation.

IConfigKeyReader now becomes:

    public interface IConfigKeyReader
        string Read(string key);

        Task<string> ReadAsync(string key);

We now need to update our AppSettingReader implementation accordingly. Since reading AppSettings from App.config isn’t asynchronous, we can use Task.FromResult() to help satisfy the contract:

    public class AppSettingReader : IConfigKeyReader
        public string Read(string key)
            return ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[key];

        public Task<string> ReadAsync(string key)
            var value = this.Read(key);
            return Task.FromResult(value);

The provider code also needs to be updated to support asynchrony. First the interface:

    public interface IConfigKeyProvider
        T Get<T>(string key, T defaultValue = default(T)) where T : IConvertible;

        Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string key, T defaultValue = default(T)) where T : IConvertible;

The changes necessary to ConfigKeyProvider are a little more radical:

    public class ConfigKeyProvider : IConfigKeyProvider
        private IConfigKeyReader reader;

        public ConfigKeyProvider(IConfigKeyReader reader)
            this.reader = reader;

        public T Get<T>(string key, T defaultValue = default(T)) where T : IConvertible
            string valueStr = reader.Read(key);

            return this.ConvertValue<T>(valueStr, defaultValue);

        public async Task<T> GetAsync<T>(string key, T defaultValue = default(T)) where T : IConvertible
            string valueStr = await reader.ReadAsync(key).ConfigureAwait(false);

            return this.ConvertValue<T>(valueStr, defaultValue);

        private T ConvertValue<T>(string valueStr, T defaultValue)
            if (valueStr != null)
                    return (T)Convert.ChangeType(valueStr, typeof(T));
                catch (Exception)
                    return defaultValue;
                return defaultValue;

I opted to move the conversion code to a method shared by the async and non-async methods, and then call separate reader code in them. I intentionally avoided having Get() call GetAsync().Result as it can result in deadlocks.

Technically the best approach would have been to drop the synchronous Get() method altogether and force the use of the asynchronous version. However, I realise there are times when people actually want to call the synchronous version, such as in Console applications or in constructors (although there are workarounds for both – see Async Console Programs and “Can constructors be async?“).

Conclusion and Source Code

This article has presented a simple framework that can be used to read application settings without having to bloat actual program logic. It supports reading AppSettings from an App.config file out of the box, and can easily be extended to support other sources (e.g. databases). It makes it easy to provide default values, works nicely with dependency injection, and can also be used asynchronously.

Check out the source code at the Gigi Labs Bitbucket repository. Feel free to use this code as you like, and let me know if you think it can be improved.

IMAPTalk 2 beta 3 released

I have just released a new beta release of IMAPTalk 2. While the changes involve fairly minor enhancements, I am more excited to have found another protocol that IMAPTalk is compatible with. It’s RESP, the protocol used by Redis. You can use IMAPTalk to communicate with a Redis server instead of the Redis CLI on Windows, giving you several advantages including colorization and standard rich text features.