The Abysmal State of the Web in June 2017

This will be the last article in the Sorry State of the Web series (at least for the time being). The idea was to learn from the mistakes of other so-called ‘professional’ websites, ranging from silly oversights to illegal practices. Hopefully, the silliness encountered has also made some people smile.

However, with 11 articles over 6 months, I believe I’ve made my point enough times over. Despite all the technological advancements, the web is in a state that I can call sick at best, and that is mainly the result of clueless developers. I have some slight hope that things may get better, but given that most of the issues I pointed out have not been addressed to date, that hope is realistically very slim.

From my part, I want to focus less on beating a dead horse and more on learning technology and writing high quality articles. I don’t exclude revisiting this series in future if I feel it’s worth it though. Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks to all those who have contributed entries for this article and the ones before it.

Banif: Random Virtual Keyboard

If you think that the mainstream banks in Malta have terrible websites (and recently I covered how Mediterranean Bank’s newly launched online investment platform took them several steps back), then you should really take a look at Banif Bank Malta.

To log into their online banking section, you have to enter a username and a password. This would be understandable, if not for the fact that the password field is disabled so you can’t actually type into it. Instead, you have to click on keys on a virtual keyboard. To make matters worse, this is not your usual QWERTY keyboard: the key placements are randomised.

Let’s consider a few reasons why this is a terrible idea:

  • It makes it a lot harder for users to type in their password (in terms of user experience).
  • It slows down password entry, both because one has to use the mouse vs the keyboard and because the random placement requires the eye to look for keys as opposed to using muscle memory. This makes it easier for people watching you enter the password to identify what you are actually entering, and it also makes you more likely to pick simpler passwords.
  • People looking over your shoulder can easily see what key the cursor is on, which defeats the purpose of password field obfuscation.
  • The restrictions on the password field are client-side and trivial to disable. This does no favours for server-side security, which should really be the main focus.
  • You cannot use a password manager.

Since I’m not a security expert, I presented this case to the community at Information Security Stack Exchange. From there, I got to two related existing questions:

It seems that the main reason why this horrendous technique is used is to counteract keyloggers, which at a basic level can’t track keypresses (since they are not happening) or mouse clicks (since the placement of keys on the screen changes).

However, as one of the best answers points out, this is merely an arms race between the bank and attackers. It’s a vicious circle in which attackers and banks take it in turns to step up their game. The end result is that customers are the ones paying the price, by having to deal with ridiculous security measures like this.

Dealing with keyloggers is hardly an excuse for this kind of rubbish. There are much more robust and orthodox ways of dealing with this sort of thing, such as one-time passwords or two-factor authentication.

Insecure Logins

One of the most common issues we’ve seen throughout this series is that of websites with login forms where the credentials are not transmitted over HTTPS. Thus it is not hard for them to be intercepted and read in clear text. Keeping up with tradition, we have a list of such examples this month.

We can start with American Scientist, which I see has since undergone a complete redesign and does currently use HTTPS for the whole website (including login). This is how it was just a couple of weeks ago:

Then we have the Malta Chamber of Advocates, which aside from very ridiculously presenting a homepage with no content whatsoever, is just another case of insecure login:

But wait! The next one, ironically, is from none other than Bank Info Security:

Then we have Great Malta (whatever that is supposed to mean):

Local newspaper The Malta Independent is no less guilty:

…and neither is Infobel:

In another case if irony, we can look at J. Grima & Co. Ltd. They are “Security & Fire Specialists”, but web security is clearly not one of their areas of expertise.

Excitable Web

I was very excited (!) to come across Excitable Web, because it is a prime example of the clueless developers I was mentioning earlier. It is of little importance that each time you load a page, the page seems to render without CSS for half a second before rendering properly; because we’ll focus on more interesting stuff here. If you click on the “Who We Are” link, we get this:

You can see there are a couple of MySQL errors displaying directly in the page due to deprecated code. Such an experienced professional should know that server-side errors should never be displayed directly to the visitor, as this may reveal vulnerabilities among other things.

These errors seem to have been fixed since then, so we’ll move onto the next thing: the writing. It’s really generous of the webmaster to give us:

“A Breif [sic] Background On With [sic] Whome [sic] You Are Dealing With”

You can find other such gems within the content itself. Thank you, Adrian. Now we really know who we are dealing with.

For extra points, spot one of my own blunders within that screenshot!

Flybussen Translations

Here’s a tiny oversight from Norwegian operator Flybussen. While their site has an English version, their calendar unfortunately doesn’t:

JobsPlus Going Below Minimum Wage

JobsPlus has by now become a regular in this series. Those who believe that we should have equal pay for equal work (which is a legal requirement, by the way) will be delighted to see this vacancy where the position advertises a salary range of between EUR4,500 and EUR70,000. What’s even funnier, though, is that EUR4,500 is actually below the minimum wage (another legal requirement) for a 40-hour full-time work week.

Legal requirements aside, this is just a case of missing validation by our award-winning friends at JobsPlus who should have a central role in avoiding precarious work and exploitation.

Kelly on Yellow Pages

If you take a look at the Yellow Pages entry for Kelly Industries, you’ll come to the conclusion that they have enough business to not give a rat’s ass about what potential customers think about their brand.

Creativity Centre

I’ve received reports about issues with the Malta’s National Centre for Creativity‘s payment processing engine, but I haven’t been able to verify them without actually attempting to make a purchase. However, I did notice this problem with the checkout button actually not being properly visible if you’re using a laptop (and thus a limited screen resolution):

For a National Centre for Creativity, I must also point out that they didn’t quite put a lot of creativity into the website’s design.

Mixed Content

Another common problem we’ve seen throughout the series is that of using HTTPS, but serving some content over HTTP. This is called Mixed Content, and it invalidates the trust guaranteed by a fully HTTPS website.

This month, we have Malta Gift Service (also guilty of using Comic Sans for their main header):

…and our dear friends at Scan:

Apostrophes of Doom

Given that my surname contains an apostrophe, this often makes it a pain to deal with validation that unreasonably decides that an apostrophe is an invalid character. I’ve written about this especially in the original “The Sorry State of the Web in 2016“. There is no real reason to not accept apostrophes if you’re using proper practices (e.g. using prepared statements) to prevent SQL injection.

Unfortunately, Microsoft has decided that my surname cannot have an apostrophe:

I suppose I will need to remove the apostrophe from my identity card if I want to ever get a job at Microsoft.

Piscopo Gardens

The Piscopo Gardens website has been down for I don’t know how long due to some internal server error.

Aron isn’t doing a very good job at keeping the site up and running.

Robert Half

Swiss recruiter Robert Half believes that “It’s time we all work happy.™” (so much that a trademark was apparently filed).

That obviously doesn’t apply to their own website, which clearly doesn’t work if you enter “.net” in the search field:

Now I understand the name. Their website only Half works.

Ryanair Mischief

We noticed a couple of things on Ryanair’s website that are more sneaky practices than examples of bad web design per se.

First, there’s the newsletter checkbox that is opt-out rathern than opt-in (i.e. it automatically signs you up if you ignore it and leave it unchecked):

Then there’s this appeal to fear the middle seat:

Oh dear, not the middle seat!

Image credit: Taken from Wikipedia

Better to go for a team-building treasure hunt in 35-degrees-Celsius weather with a laptop on my back than be stuck in a middle seat! Actually, no. Give us a break, Ryanair.


I am happy to have managed to raise awareness about bad practices in web design with this series. I know this because I have heard several reports of companies that I have pissed off. I am a lot less happy that these companies have not really done much about it despite all this. That is their problem now. No doubt others have learned from the countless issues pointed out.

Let’s continue to make companies with a web presence understand that such a public face requires a high level of professionalism, and that they will lose business if they don’t step up their game.

Once again I would like to thank all the contributors to this series, and also the readers who have loyally followed it.

Your First Microsoft Orleans Cluster

If you’re planning to use Microsoft Orleans in production, you need to look beyond the lonely silos that we’ve built in the articles thus far. Orleans is designed to work in a cluster, such that a large number of grains can be distributed among multiple silos. In case of silo failure, its grains are reactivated at other silos that are still alive.

In this article, we’ll create a simple silo and run multiple interconnected instances of it in order to set up a cluster.

For the scope of this article, we’ll use the default cluster membership provider: MembershipTableGrain. This is not intended to be used in production, but will allow us to focus on getting a simple cluster up and running. Setting up different cluster membership providers is non-trivial and requires separate articles for each.

Note: this article is based on Orleans 1.4.2 using .NET Framework 4.6.2.

Note: the source code for this article is in the OrleansFirstCluster folder within the Gigi Labs BitBucket repository.

Setting Up An Example

To set up a cluster, the Dev/Test Host project template we’ve been using so far is no longer suitable. Instead, we have to set up the full project structure. This is covered by the latter part of “Getting Started with Microsoft Orleans” and there is no point in repeating it here.

Don’t write any code yet though. I recently learned that all that AppDomain stuff is not necessary unless you’re planning to run Silo and Client in the same application, so we’ll go for a cleaner approach.

We’ll also install the Orleans Dashboard (see: “A Dashboard for Microsoft Orleans“) in the Silo project. This will give us an idea how grains are spread across the cluster later.

Install-Package OrleansDashboard

Hence, when setting up the Silo configuration, remember to include the configuration for the Dashboard:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OrleansConfiguration xmlns="urn:orleans">
    <SeedNode Address="localhost" Port="11111" />
      <Provider Type="OrleansDashboard.Dashboard" Name="Dashboard" />
    <Networking Address="localhost" Port="11111" />
    <ProxyingGateway Address="localhost" Port="30000" />

We can now start adding some code. First, we need a grain in our Grains project. What the grain actually does doesn’t matter. We just want to create a large number of grains to see them spread out over the cluster.

    public class UselessGrain : Grain, IUselessGrain
        public Task DoNothingAsync()
            return Task.CompletedTask;

Note: if you’re using a .NET Framework version prior to 4.6, then you’ll need to use TaskDone.Done instead of Task.CompletedTask.

The corresponding interface goes in the Interfaces project:

    public interface IUselessGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
        Task DoNothingAsync();

Doing away with all the AppDomain junk, the following code should be enough for a simple Silo:

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Title = "Silo";

                using (var siloHost = new SiloHost("Silo"))
                    var startedOk = siloHost.StartOrleansSilo(catchExceptions: false);
                    Console.WriteLine("Silo started successfully!");

                    Console.WriteLine("Press ENTER to exit...");
            catch (Exception ex)

Apart from the AppDomain logic, another thing we’re doing differently from usual here is that we’re calling StartOrleansSilo() with catchExceptions set to false. In case the silo fails to initialise, this gives us the ability to inspect the details of the failure within the exception, rather than have Orleans silently swallow it and simply return false.

On the client side, we can use an adaptation of the client code from “Getting Started with Microsoft Orleans“:

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.Title = "Client";

            var random = new Random();
            var config = ClientConfiguration.LoadFromFile("ClientConfiguration.xml");

            while (true)
                    Console.WriteLine("Connected to silo!");

                    while (true)
                        var grainId = random.Next();
                        var grain = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain<IUselessGrain>(grainId);
                catch (SiloUnavailableException)
                    Console.WriteLine("Silo not available! Retrying in 3 seconds.");

In the inner infinite-while-loop we’re taking random grain IDs and bombarding them with messages. The idea is to create a lot of grain instances that we can visualise. Since this is very heavy, you’ll see Orleans giving warnings, and high latencies from the Dashboard at times.

Running a 3-Node Cluster

We will now run 3 instances of the same silo. Each instance must have different ports configured. This is the configuration for the first silo, which we already set up earlier:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OrleansConfiguration xmlns="urn:orleans">
    <SeedNode Address="localhost" Port="11111" />
      <Provider Type="OrleansDashboard.Dashboard" Name="Dashboard" />
    <Networking Address="localhost" Port="11111" />
    <ProxyingGateway Address="localhost" Port="30000" />

A silo needs 2 ports: one to communicate with other silos (the Networking endpoint) and one for clients to connect to it (the ProxyingGateway endpoint). The client can connect to any node on the cluster.

In production scenarios, Orleans silos are all equal, and there is no concept of a primary and secondary silo. However, when you use the default MembershipTableGrain cluster membership, then all information regarding the silos on the cluster is stored within a grain in one of the silos. As a result, the silo containing the MembershipTableGrain is denoted as the Primary Silo. It must be started before the others, and the entire cluster is messed up if it goes down. Naturally, this is not good, and you should look into other cluster membership providers.

In such a setup, the SeedNode configuration specified in all silos must be the endpoint of the Primary silo. Let’s see what the configuration for our second silo instance looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OrleansConfiguration xmlns="urn:orleans">
    <SeedNode Address="localhost" Port="11111" />
      <Provider Type="OrleansDashboard.Dashboard" Name="Dashboard" Port="8081" />
    <Networking Address="localhost" Port="11112" />
    <ProxyingGateway Address="localhost" Port="30001" />

Aside from changing the Networking and ProxyingGateway ports, we are also using a different port for the Dashboard (default is 8080). Each silo has its own Dashboard (although they all show the same information), and they cannot all run from the same port.

Similarly, the configuration for our third silo instance is just a matter of changing ports:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<OrleansConfiguration xmlns="urn:orleans">
    <SeedNode Address="localhost" Port="11111" />
      <Provider Type="OrleansDashboard.Dashboard" Name="Dashboard" Port="8082" />
    <Networking Address="localhost" Port="11113" />
    <ProxyingGateway Address="localhost" Port="30002" />

We can then start the 3 silo instances and the client:

On my system, the load is just too much and Orleans just dies after around 64k activations. So let’s add a little delay in the random message loop to give Orleans some room to breathe:

                    while (true)
                        var grainId = random.Next();
                        var grain = GrainClient.GrainFactory.GetGrain<IUselessGrain>(grainId);

After running it again, what I see is that grains are allocated mainly to the primary silo initially, but they are distributed more evenly across the other silos after around 1,000 activations:

I am not sure why they are not evenly distributed from the start. My guess is that either it is more efficient to have them all in one place if the number of activations is small, or the silos need time to coordinate between themselves before this happens (which would explain why, without a delay, all activations are allocated on the primary node).

Single Point of Failure

Close the primary silo.

Since the Primary silo contains the MembershipTableGrain, all information about the cluster dies with it. The remaining silos and clients will not recover automatically even if the Primary silo is brought up again. They in turn will have to be restarted. This is because, as we saw earlier, Secondary silos must start after the primary one. When the Primary silo is brought back, it effectively starts a fresh cluster and does not know about any other silos until they join.


We have seen how to get a very basic Orleans cluster working with multiple silos sharing the burden of holding the grains. However, this is hardly an ideal setup because (a) cluster membership information is held in memory and represents a single point of failure, and (b) the fact that I ran all silos on the same machine made them subject to the same physical resource constraints as if I were running a standalone silo.

For better results, run different silos on different machines, and use a decent cluster membership provider. Orleans supports the following:

  • MembershipTableGrain (not realiable, use for testing only)
  • SQL Server
  • Azure Table Storage
  • Apache ZooKeeper
  • Consul
  • DynamoDB

Update 20th June 2017: I am told that Azure Service Fabric should also be supported. As for database implementations of cluster membership, these are not limited to just SQL Server. You may use any supported ADO .NET provider, which at the moment includes SQL Server, MySQL/MariaDB, or PostgreSQL. To clarify: while the PostgreSQL storage provider for grain persistence is not yet available, its use as a cluster membership provider is supported.

Saving Screenshots in SDL2

Saving screenshots is a simple and common feature in many games. It allows us to capture the image of the game being rendered on the screen at any given time.

While this might sound easy, let us remember that the image rendered to the screen might have a lot of different overlaid surfaces, meaning that it would be a pain to recompose that image on the side of the CPU in the same way that we’re composing the image to the texture that eventually ends up in video memory.

Fortunately, this Stack Overflow answer provides a simple solution. SDL2 provides the SDL_RenderReadPixels() function, which can be used to read pixel data back from video memory. This is generally discouraged, because it is very costly to do such a thing, but taking screenshots is a one-off operation where it makes perfect sense.

The following code shows how screenshot capture was implemented in Ultima 1 Revenge. It is only slightly different from the code in the aforementioned Stack Overflow answer:

void SosariaInputController::SaveScreenshot()
	const Uint32 format = SDL_PIXELFORMAT_ARGB8888;
	const int width = 640;
	const int height = 400;
	auto renderer = sdl2Core->GetRenderer();

	SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat(0, width, height, 32, format);
	SDL_RenderReadPixels(renderer, NULL, format, surface->pixels, surface->pitch);
	SDL_SaveBMP(surface, "screenshot.bmp");

While I am not showing where the sdl2Core object is coming from, just assume that it stores an instance of SDL_Renderer. With that available, all that is needed is to create a surface using one of the functions that SDL2 provides, call SDL_RenderReadPixels() to transfer the pixels from video memory to the surface, and then actually do something with the surface (in this case, we are saving it to a bitmap file). If you wanted to read back only a portion of the screen, you would pass in an SDL_Rect instead of NULL as the second parameter to SDL_RenderReadPixels().

This simple code is used to save screenshots in Ultima 1 Revenge, such as the one shown earlier.

The Sorry State of The Web: 3 Group Special

It’s been around 15 years since I first came across Web Pages That Suck. Coming from a time when flashy Geocities-style websites were the order of the day, it was a web nitpicker’s paradise. This is where the term Mystery Meat Navigation (which I have written about in the past) was actually invented.

The very premise behind Web Pages That Suck, “learn good web design by looking at bad web design”, is something that has fascinated me back then, and still does to this day (in fact, it is one of the main reasons behind the Sorry State of the Web series).

Today, we will look at a family of related websites (belonging to a single group of companies) which I’m sure would qualify as first class citizens of Web Pages That Suck.

Enter MyKrypto

I first heard about MyKrypto on the radio. The ad described Bitcoin as a currency just like any other – and said that you could produce it! An old version of their website, which I obtained via the Google Web Cache, is along the same lines of the radio ad:

“Malta has the Euro, UK has the Pound and USA has the Dollar, the Internet has the Bitcoin. Bitcoin is digital and produced by computers..start producing money today!!”

While it’s true you can produce Bitcoins, this feels a lot like a scam in that it’s urging people to print their own money (in a way) without telling them about the risk or the difficulty involved in actually mining Bitcoins. In fact, the website also used to say that Bitcoin mining is a secure investment:

Whether Bitcoin mining is really a secure investment is debatable (although one can get an idea by looking at market crashes that have occurred in the past). In any case, while I’m not a lawyer, I don’t believe a company can legally give investment advice unless it is an authorised financial institution, especially without evaluating the risk portfolio of potential investors.

MyKrypto Home Page

The above selling points were removed, and the site transitioned into a different realm of madness. The site’s homepage had this image with Comic Sans text:

This was eventually replaced by the text image we see today:

Although the text changed, the link behind it remained the same. It’s basically a Google link (notice the URL) that takes you to this Satasoshi graphic on Deviantart:

So, in case it’s not clear, let’s summarise the fails that occur just within that little text image:

  • Using an image to show text with a particular font.
  • Using Comic Sans on what is supposed to be a serious website.
  • Linking to a Google search result rather than to an actual webpage.
  • Completely failing to understand what you’re selling (it’s a Satoshi, not Satasoshi, and the horse has nothing to do with it).

MyKrypto Mining Page

Let’s move over to MyKrypto’s Mining page. It now looks something like this:

While the image is totally out of place – and we’ll get to it – this is on the whole not too bad. Let’s take a look at what the previous version of this page (from just a couple of weeks ago) used to look like:

First, the title.

“What is minning?”

I don’t know. Perhaps this lovely lady might be able to answer that.

Image credit: taken from Wikipedia’s Minnie Mouse page

Next, we can take a look at the text.

“Do you look up for information on the internet? Did you ever google for a product or information? Did you ever wondered how google is so intelligent by search for the right information? Google is based on mathematical calculations. FIND X. Let’s say I want to google for ‘this week top 20 music list’ as you type in the google box and press search google, google will do all the calculations to find ‘this week top 20 music list ‘. this is called Math (Algebra) when we were at school we used to have the same problem solving; – FIND X.”

It is simply beyond belief how much crap these guys have managed to fit into a single paragraph. But beyond that, take a look at the image below that paragraph in the screenshot. It’s a popular joke that has been circulating for many years: a clueless student answered a mathematical problem in a witty manner. Of course, whoever built the MyKrypto website didn’t get the joke, and put the image there as an example of mathematics. Go figure.

List of fails in this section:

  • Terrible use of English (if it can be called that).
  • Google does not solve algebraic problems to give you your search results.
  • Don’t lie about what you used to do at school, if you evidently know nothing about English, mathematics, or computing.
  • Try to understand what an image actually means, before ripping it off.
  • Try to understand what you’re talking about in the first place.

MyKrypto Audio

MyKrypto automatically plays audio.

That’s something really annoying, especially if you happen to already be playing music. It’s also of questionable legality depending on whether the site has the right to distribute that music.

Besides, using some cheesy 70s disco background music – reminiscent of Earth, Wind & Fire – is totally not appropriate on a company website.

MyKrypto Mobile

Mobile users will be disappointed to find out that they can’t really browse the entirety of the site because the navigation is simply not available:

MyKrypto Plagiarism

To be fair, messed up paragraphs like the one we saw earlier are a rare sight on this site. In fact, a lot of MyKrypto’s content is blatantly stolen from other websites.

Let’s see some examples:

I think they should plagiarise more. It would make them look a lot less silly.

CEO Plagiarism

Of course, the plagiarism on MyKrypto makes perfect sense if we look at the LinkedIn profile of 3 Group CEO Dario Azzopardi (MyKrypto is part of 3 Group):

When I first read this, I thought it was really weird as a job description. So I Googled part of it.

Google did its algebra (!), and what do you know

…and further down…

3 Group: Questionable Stuff

Having seen all this, I thought it was just as well to check what else 3 Group actually do.

3 Group do IT Services, IPTV, and E-Money. That’s a nice name for the Bitcoin stuff we’ve seen above. They actually got the link wrong, and E-Money points to IPTV.

If we take a look at IT Services, we get to this horrendous page with a background animation driving you nuts while you try to read text with very bad contrast:

Further down that page, 3 Group are trying to convince people that free antiviruses are bad, and that they should instead pay 3 Group to install McAfee for them:

Towards the bottom, you can see some grey text representing a link to Intel’s homepage. Of course, they didn’t bother to actually make it a link that you can just click on. What’s even worse is that the superhero on the left is an image overlaid onto the text where the link is, so you can’t even select and copy it.

Right, what else do 3 Group do? Ah yes, IPTV. It’s interesting how they have this “Legal” page under the IPTV section, claiming that “IPTV is 100% legal”, and quoting some court case from the European Court of Justice.

This is noteworthy because:

  • Naturally, a company encourages trust by stressing that its services are 100% legal.
  • This company knows a lot about copyright, given the aforementioned plagiarism.
  • It claims that “watching streams even those which are illegal is not an act of copyright infringement”. So it’s ok if it’s illegal, as long as it’s not copyright infringement, right?

Well, they say IPTV is legal, so it must be true.

Image credit: taken from here

That’s curious, because I could swear I recently read an article about this Kodi TV streaming service being declared illegal across the EU:


While 3 Group’s web design is appalling at best, this is not nearly as worrying as their questionable business practices. As an exception in this series, I hope not only that web designers/developers learn from the mistakes we have seen here, but also that potential customers do some proper research and understand what these guys are actually trying to sell to them.

The Pitiful State of the Web in May 2017 (Part 2)

This article is a continuation of The Pitiful State of the Web in May 2017 (Part 1) and a part of the Sorry State of the Web series. I and the others who contributed to the content of this series hope that web developers will learn from the mistakes of others and produce better quality websites.

Dakar: Language Issues and Insecure Login

Dakar Software Solutions is a well-known name locally, especially in the realm of payroll systems.

They had this little glitch with the language of dates in the news of their Dakinet product (which might be fixed now):

Also, Dakar joins the long list of websites that offer insecure login:

Insecure Login Galore

As you can imagine, Dakar is not alone in failing to transmit user credentials securely. We’ve seen a lot of these before, and we have a lot more to show here.

For starters, we have Freelance Malta. Since all of the site is based on insecure HTTP, the login form and both registration forms transmit credentials insecurely:

Then we have Gizmodo, the popular tech website:

KeepMePosted is a similar offender:

And then we have MyMoneyBox (part of the MFSA family), which given its name should know better about security. In fact, it seems to have now gone HTTPS, so the login is now secure. But as you can see below, it wasn’t until recently:

Couchsurfing: Invalid SSL Certificate

I recently caught the Couchsurfing blog giving invalid certificate warnings:

Oops. Looks like the certificate had expired.

Needless to say, it is useless to use HTTPS if it is not trusted. Fortunately, this issue has since been fixed.

Malta Police Force: Passwords In Email, Freedom of Information Link

The Malta Police Force website offers a number of services including filing a police report online. At the bottom of the declaration where you’re about to file a report, there’s a link to the Freedom of Information Act:

Unfortunately, it doesn’t work:

That error is actually coming from elsewhere on the government network (looks like it’s the Department of Information). Either the Malta Police Force need to fix their link to point elsewhere, or the DOI needs to fix a problem in their SharePoint system.

There’s something a lot worse, though. Some people have reported that when you file a police report, you choose a password, which is then sent to you via email.

This image was contributed by someone who actually filed a real police report. Aside from various spelling issues in the email, you can see that the password (obfuscated here for obvious reasons) is included.

This is something you always want to avoid because you can never assume that email is a secure channel on which to send sensitive information such as credentials or credit card information. Good practice is to let users choose their password over a secure channel (which the system reportedly already does), store it securely using a one-way hash, and provide the means to reset it using limited-time tokens in case the password is forgotten.

Rizzo Farrugia – Broken Link For New Equity

When new shares under the symbol “PG” were listed on the Malta Stock Exchange, Rizzo Farrugia were quick to add it to their own list:

However, they were not nearly as fast at creating the detail page that the listing links to:

No big deal there. It was fixed the next day.

PWC Refresh Form

PricewaterhouseCoopers has this newsletter signup form. It has a reset button. Something pretty normal, you’d think, until you see that it refreshes the entire page!

Form resetting functionality has been built into browsers since long before I started creating websites (15 years and counting). In this case, I see they wanted to reset the CAPTCHA. But they already have functionality to reset the CAPTCHA without reloading the page (the orange round arrow next to the CAPTCHA), so why reload the whole page just to reset a form?

IDPC: Line Spacing

The Office of the Information and Data Protection Commissioner has a form where you can submit complaints:

What I’d like to call out here is the questionable design choice of using massive line spacing, which is especially noticeable in the Complaint text area since about half of the tiny box is wasted with empty space.

Line Separator Characters

JobsPlus, whose encoding issues we have already visited in “The Broken Web of March 2017“, is now also exhibiting these weird LSEP characters:

It’s okay though. Perhaps they can’t sanitise their data, but they still get to keep their eBusiness Award!

I have also spotted the same problem at Creative Jobs:


Transmitting credentials insecurely remains one of the most common issues on websites today, and it is completely unacceptable. Depending on the nature of the user account, this might not be as risky as transmitting credit card details insecurely (something we’ve also seen in abundance over the past few months), but that does not relieve websites from their duty as data controllers to transmit sensitive data securely.

It is also important to test websites properly in order to identify broken links and data-related issues as we have seen.

Finally, secure transmission of sensitive data does not stop at using HTTPS. SSL certificates must be integral and trusted, otherwise it is just as good as not having HTTPS. Email is not a secure channel, so don’t use it to send sensitive data, especially if there exist alternative data flows where you don’t have to.