Microsoft Orleans 2.0.4 Released

Those using (or learning about) Microsoft Orleans, especially the newer 2.0.x releases that target .NET Standard and are cross-platform, might be interested to know that version 2.0.4 has just been released.

This release includes a couple of important bugfixes:

  • A number of Orleans users observed grain calls getting really slow after the silo has been running for around 12 hours. The long issue discussion reveals a lot of collective findings and ultimately provides the means to reproduce the problem. The root cause was traced to a bug in BlockingCollection<T> in .NET Core, which can lead to memory leaks and even lost items (Orleans messages in this case). A workaround has been implemented to sort this out.
  • Another issue prevented Orleans build-time code generation from being built when targeting .NET Core 2.1. This has also been fixed.

If you’re using Orleans 2.0.x, it’s therefore a good idea to upgrade to 2.0.4, especially if you are running Orleans in production.

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