Dino's Ultima Page


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Web NewsRemake News Lazarus Progress
29th September 2002

Ultima V: Lazarus has made a neat advance in progress.

Web NewsRemake News Lazarus Dungeon Screenshots
28th September 2002

The Ultima V: Lazarus website has released impressive dungeon screenshots of Covetous and Wrong. They're well worth a visit!

Web News UDIC; Serpent Isle revelations
27th September 2002

The latest Dragon on the Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter is now Polyphonic Dragon, who really is the webmaster of Ultima VIII - Exile, and a colleague of mine - Eric Samuelson.

As Hacki's Ultima Page has announced, something of Serpent Isle's original plot was revealed on the Exult boards. The postings can be found here.

Website NewsWeb News Origin Museum link; Redemption news
26th September 2002

My links page has been updated with a link to the Origin Museum, which is dedicated to preserving worlds.

There is new news on the Ultima 9: Redemption website. They seek a dialogue editor. If you've got the right skills, you can apply for the post.

Sidenote: I started school today, and this is my last year at school, a crucial year. I apologise in case I might be unable to bring news any time in future (it most probably won't happen though, just letting everyone know).

Website NewsWeb News Ultima 4 beasts; Blackthorn update
24th September 2002

I have finally completed my Ultima 4 bestiary. All monster pictures are available. For the phantom, I used a picture of those strange phantoms in Minoc, as I couldn't find phantoms anywhere, and in no dungeon at all. It shouldn't matter.

Adventures of Blackthorn has been updated:

  • Matthew "Kahenraz" D'Onofrio has joined the team, though project Blackthorn still needs help, so if you can help out, please contact Windwalker.
  • Windwalker has been kind enough to announce that my forums need contributors.
  • Dino's Ultima Page has achieved "site of the week" status on the Blackthorn site! Go there to see.
Web News 2 new Dragons
22nd September 2002

Seeing the unusual lack of updates going on among the community of which I provide news, we must thank UDIC for today's news. Two new Dragons now appear on the Grand Roster per Date - MMAzrael Dragon and Oelrodd Dragon.

The first of the newcomers, MMAzrael Dragon, is leading the new Ultima 7 remake.

Website NewsWeb News Enildo's link
20th September 2002

I didn't even notice yet that Enildo, a new remake of Ultima 2, has linked to Dino's Ultima Page. My thanks to them!

Website NewsWeb News U9 update and MWA flop
19th September 2002

I have updated my Ultima 9 page with some interesting links, among them the Ultima 9 dialogues, extracted recently by Quill Dragon and announced on the Wayward Avatar forums.

Also, Dino's Ultima Page now appears on the Malta Web Awards' list of applicants, though the picture of Dino's Ultima Page there rendered badly, my description was truncated, and a globe appears on the website's name. Not to mention that they didn't even bother to close the Geocities ad, and let it appear in the picture. Can't they do it right?

Website NewsWeb News Forum, U4 Bestiary and Credits
18th September 2002

Once again, my Ultima IV Bestiary has been updated with a few more pictures.

I now have a forum! This will facilitate the flow of feedback and contributions. Feel free to participate. I know it isn't the most beautiful thing in the world, but ezboard is not easy at all to configure.

Windwalker, leader of Adventures of Blackthorn, has added Dino's Ultima Page to his Links, and he now features on my credits for that.

Web NewsRemake NewsWebsite News Blackthorn and Lazarus news, and more updates galore!
16th September 2002

Our friends at Ultima V - Lazarus want us to know that they're still alive, as their latest news clearly states.

Lots of new updates from the Blackthorn team:

  • They have announced that I joined them, and I now appear on the team page
  • The team page, apart from being up to date with me on the list, is now detailed with what the team members do
  • The website announces a new remake of Ultima VII - The Black Gate, a remake that looks much more promising than the previous one
  • There is new music available.

I applied for the Malta Web Awards yesterday. This site is running for the contest!

The Ultima III Information page has experienced a huge update.

The people of the Wayward Avatar has been updated with my dragon pic and Albareth's photo.

I have added a few new pictures to my Ultima 4 bestiary, and converted everything except my two JPGs to GIF format, and soon even the JPGs will be GIFs.

Website News Redesign Ready
15th September 2002

I bring great news! The redesign and upgrade of Dino's Ultima Page can be considered complete, as I gave it the final touches:

  • The whole site is now valid HTML
  • The Lost Vale code has been improved radically
  • There is now a page about me
  • A site map is now up.
Website NewsFanfiction NewsWeb News Poll, Hacki and The Lost Vale
13th September 2002

The music in The Lost Vale has been removed. It was not an easy choice, but it had to be done. Apart from being invalid HTML, music would be a pain for anyone listening to some of his own music, as the browser music would take over.

Also, I have improved the Lost Vale code, putting more space between adjacent links, changing link colour on the main page and making some HTML valid.

As Hacki's Ultima Page has announced, there is a poll on RPGDot. This is the opportunity to tell the world Ultima is the best, so vote for Ultima!

Website NewsWeb News FAQ, Validation and Exile
12th September 2002

There is now a FAQ, with lots of information about this site.

The Ultima VIII - Exile site is back up and running. Edbgon had to set some things after Exodus Machine's relocation.

I will be participating in the Malta Web Awards sooner or later, and I'm doing my best to improve my site. I've started yesterday by implementing the scroll design, and today I have corrected the main site pages to have valid HTML. Apart from the advertisements, the main pages on this site are now valid HTML, and I will work towards making the whole site valid HTML.

Web NewsWebsite News Hacki poll and U1 info
11th September 2002

Hacki's Ultima Page has a new poll - about which character in Ultima 9 is most pathetic!

The Ultima I info page has been updated with lots of links to a website submitted by Natreg Dragon.

News is now archived. The news page was growing too big, so I am keeping a page for news per month. Old news is still available, so just click on the links at the top or bottom of the news page to get to the older news. To go directly to a particular month, find it at the bottom of the news page.

Dino's Ultima Page now has a new design - the scroll design.

Web NewsRemake NewsFanfiction News DP and U6P updates
10th September 2002

A bigger logo of the Ultima 6 Project is available, as the latest news there announces.

The Dragon Press has been updated with Chapters 10 and 11 of my Tale of the Mystics.

Web NewsWebsite NewsRemake News Hacki links, new Dragon and U6P web probs
9th September 2002

Hacki's Ultima Page has linked to Dino's Ultima Page! He now features on the credits page for that as well.

I updated the credits with the people who linked to this site.

The Ultima I page has been updated.

Ulape Dragon has joined UDIC and is now the latest member on the Grand Roster per date.

The website of the Ultima 6 Project had some problems lately. Go there to learn of what happened.

Web News Hacki's news
8th September 2002

Hacki's Ultima Page has lots of news, both good and bad. Go there to check it out!

Website NewsFanfiction News The Mystic Info
7th September 2002

Chapter 11 of my Tale of the Mystics is up if you want to read the latest of my fanfiction.

There is new Ultima Information up! The Ultima 1, Ultima 5 and Serpent Isle pages have been updated.

Website NewsWeb NewsRemake News Laz, UDIC and other minor things
4th September 2002

Ultima V: Lazarus have news; they are fixing up some servers, and have set up an IRC channel. Go there to read more!

The Ultima Dragons Internet Chapter have their 15,310th member - Cottle Dragon, who is now the latest dragon on the Grand Roster per date. Also, Kravlor Dragon now appears before Pibbur Dragon.

There is a new link - a link to Exodus Machine.

The Ultima 8 page has been updated since Kravlor Dragon added the Ultima VIII maps of everywhere from the cluebook onto his site.

Website NewsWeb NewsRemake News Cluebook and U8 updated; so is U6P
2nd September 2002

The link to General Information on the Ultima VIII Cluebook, on Kravlor Dragon's site has been corrected, and my Ultima VIII page has been updated accordingly.

Team Archon of the Ultima VI Project have a team logo animation up.

Website NewsFanfiction NewsWeb NewsRemake News TOTM updated, and Ultima 4 will surely be reborn!
1st September 2002

Chapter 10 of my Tale of the Mystics is up.

Ultima: The Reconstruction has announced two new Ultima 4 remakes: Lyrac and Virtue of Humility. Go there to learn more!


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