Dino's Ultima Page

Celebrating 22 Years

Ultima III - Exodus


There's a list of enemies with pictures at StrategyWiki's Ultima 3 walkthrough.

Bugs and Mistakes

Ultima 3 inaccuracies [English | German] can be found at Hacki's Ultima Page [English | German].


Ultima 3 sections can be found:


The text transcript page at StrategyWiki's Ultima 3 walkthrough lists dialogue containing plot clues, among other things.


The Ultima III Encore CD-ROM Game Manual is on the Ultima Web Archive.

An Ultima 3 Manual can be found at LairWare's Ultima 3.

Not exactly documentation but similar, there is a list of other commands used in the game, on the Other Codex (Internet Archive).


Obtaining Ultima 3

The first Ultima trilogy (including Ultima 3) can be purchased from GOG.com.

Ultima 3 can also be played online as part of the MS-DOS Games Archive.

Mac Version

The Macintosh port, written by Leon McNeill, can be downloaded:


There is Ultima III music on the music page in Auric's Ultima Moongates.

All the Ultima III music is on the Bard's Library.

File Format Information

The C64 tileset of Ultima 3 was extracted by Minstrel Dragon, who kindly agreed to have it hosted here at Dino's Ultima Page.


LairWare's Ultima 3 has the following pages containing documentation of spells:

StrategyWiki's Ultima 3 walkthrough contains a Magic page with everything you need to know about spells.


Mysterious Sosaria's Bard's Library has a section on Ultima 3 music.


A list of prices is on the Other Codex (Internet Archive).

Maps and Places

Cloth Maps

You can find pictures of the Ultima 3 cloth map of Sosaria as follows:

Computer-Generated Maps

There are excellent Ultima III maps of the world and of the city of Grey on the Ultimatrix Homepage, taken with Ultimatrix.

UltimaInfo has a page called Ultima 3: The Lay of the Land (Internet Archive), which has annotated digital maps of just about everything (including Sosaria, Ambrosia, the two castles and the ten towns).

Rikkles used Grid Cartographer to generate maps of everything, including Sosaria, Ambrosia, towns, castles, dungeons and shrines. You can get these:

Ultima 3 world map with Ultima 5 tiles
Ultima 3 world map with Ultima 5 tiles
Source: Enlightenment Dragon
Used with permission from Enlightenment Dragon

Enlightenment Dragon created a copy of the Ultima 3 world map using the Ultima 5 tileset in Excel. You can find this map above, and it is also mirrored at The Ultima Codex.

Among the Dungeon Mapper maps are maps of a few dungeon levels.

There are maps of the seven dungeons in Ultima 3 at The Codex of Ultima Wisdom.

Maps of Sosaria, Ambrosia, towns and dungeons can be found at StrategyWiki's Ultima 3 walkthrough.

Hand Drawn Maps

Tim Irvin has archived a bunch of hand-drawn Ultima 3 dungeon maps from around 1984.


Auric's Ultima Moongates hosts an old advertisement scanned by Auric from an old gaming magazine.

Helen Garriott's original and unused concept art for the Ultima 3 box was released at The Ultima Codex. See the news entry about it, or read more and download the art from its Origin Gallery entry.

The Ultima Codex released a picture of some early handwritten Assembly language source code for Ultima 3. Check out the news about it or the Origin Gallery entry.


Ultima III for Mac

LairWare's Ultima 3 is a "modern Macintosh update" of Ultima 3. It is shareware in the sense that it's free but it costs $5 to unlock Ambrosia, which is required to finish the game.

Ultimore: A World Divided

Ultimore: A World Divided is an unofficial expansion to Ultima 3. Read more about it at:

Shroud of Infinity

Lord British's throne room
Lord British's throne room
Source: Vanzilar Dragon
Used with permission from Vanzilar Dragon
Near Montor East
Near Montor East
Source: Vanzilar Dragon
Used with permission from Vanzilar Dragon

Vanzilar Dragon has been working on Shroud of Infinity, a remake of Ultima 3 written in Java, since 1998.

See also:


The MS-DOS Project has a 20-minute video review of Ultima 3.


The story can be found:


Among the Technical Info at the Ultimatrix Homepage, one can find the following file formats:

Gargish Dragon's Ultima Page has the Ultima 3 Roster file format, courtesy of Sam Glasby.

Marc Winterrowd hosts, among his Ultima Tech Info and Patches, an incomplete but nonetheless detailed description of the Ultima 3 file formats [TXT].


Some Ultima 3 trivia can be found at the Ultima 3 page at the Codex of Ultima Wisdom.


The Ultima III Help and Information File by Warlord, on the Ultima Web Archive, gives lots of useful information and what is needed to finish Ultima III.
It is also found in TXT format on Auric's Ultima Moongates.

There is a better hint file by Leon McNeill, illustrated with pictures to accompany the information.

The Other Codex tells you about the cards needed to destroy Exodus (Internet Archive).

StrategyWiki's Ultima 3 walkthrough is a complete guide to Ultima 3.

© by Daniel D'Agostino 2002-2025