Dino's Guide to
Ultima VIII - Pagan

Annotated Maps by gibberishh



These annotated maps were contributed by gibberishh in January 2023. They may be used by anyone for any purpose they want to.

Annotated Maps

Central Tenebrae
Central Tenebrae
East Tenebrae
East Tenebrae
West Tenebrae
West Tenebrae
East Road
East Road
Treasure Cove (Slayer)
Treasure Cove (Slayer)
Herdsman's Valley
Herdsman's Valley
Cave to Plateau
Cave to Plateau
Mythran's House
Mythran's House
Upper Catacombs
Upper Catacombs
Ancient Necromancers
Ancient Necromancers
Upper Catacombs 2
Upper Catacombs 2
Stone Cove
Stone Cove
Hall of the Mountain King
Hall of the Mountain King
Shrine of the Ancient Ones
Shrine of the Ancient Ones
Carthax Lake (Drained)
Carthax Lake (Drained)
Carthax Lake Breaking Ground
Carthax Lake Breaking Ground
Carthax Lake (Full)
Carthax Lake (Full)
Argentrock Isle
Argentrock Isle
Argentrock Isle (Under Monastery)
Argentrock Isle (Under Monastery)
Lava Tunnel (After Freeing Hydros)
Lava Tunnel (After Freeing Hydros)
Daemon's Crag
Daemon's Crag
Obsidian Fortress
Obsidian Fortress
Pit of Death
Pit of Death
Ethereal Plane
Ethereal Plane
Plane of Air
Plane of Air
Plane of Water
Plane of Water
Plane of Fire
Plane of Fire
Plane of Earth
Plane of Earth
Ghost Cave
Ghost Cave
Fisherman's Reef
Fisherman's Reef
Lower Catacombs
Lower Catacombs