
As more information on The Lost Vale fanfiction, here are the emails to and from Amazing Dragon himself, answering my questions about his fanfiction.

From: Dino the Dark Dragon <danixl at hotmail dot com>
Sent: 28 June 2002 09:42
To: Amazing Dragon <skerrigan at computing dot dundee dot ac dot uk>

Amazing Dragon,
   I am working on a remake of Ultima VIII - Pagan called Ultima VIII - Exile along with three other people and so I need to know the plot of The Lost Vale to improve upon the game. Unfortunately, links to your website about The Lost Vale no longer work, and it is of utmost importance that our team gets the plot. Please help us.

Dino the Dark Dragon
Administrator/Moderator Ultima VIII - Exile forum
Dialogue writer Ultima VIII - Exile

From: Amazing Dragon <skerrigan at computing dot dundee dot ac dot uk>
To: Dino the Dark Dragon <danixl at hotmail dot com>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 11:21:37 +0100

Hi there,

Yes I was the author of the Aftermath of Ultima VIII website. Basically it was a story set in the Lost Vale where Mythran and Devon had to try to find the Pagans a new home after Tenebrae was flooded. The titans were still around, even though they had no powers they were still a force to be reckoned with physically.

I don't really know what the plot to The Lost Vale was going to be, but I believe it involved the other 3 Zealan gods (there were references to 6 Zealan Gods in the game) who were trapped. I think the Avatar probably had to do 3 subquests in order to free them though, and doubtless there were Zealans and so forth around. This is what I made up anyway when I saw the Lost Vale screenshots that are floating around the web.


After that, I sent Amazing Dragon another email. I asked him some questions, that were answered in his next email.

From : Amazing Dragon <skerrigan at computing dot dundee dot ac dot uk>
To : Dino the Dark Dragon <danixl at hotmail dot com>
Date: Fri, 28 Jun 2002 11:28:45 +0100

Thank you for replying.

So let's clear some things:

1.) Your story was a fanfic?

*** Yes.

2.) Your story was set after the Avatar leaves Pagan?

*** Yes.

3.) Isn't your story set while the Avatar is still on Pagan?

*** No.

4.) Your story isn't the real plot of the Lost Vale?

*** No.

Thank you, if nobody knows the story of the Lost Vale, then I'll have to make it up since I'm also adding to the plot. Do you know anything else about it?

*** There were screenshots from the Lost Vale on the net at one point that should give you a clue as to what the plot was. Do you have those?
