5 Years of Gigi Labs

Image generated using Name Birthday Cakes.

Yesterday, Gigi Labs turned five years old.

If you’ve been following Gigi Labs for a while, you’ve no doubt noticed that things have somewhat slowed down in the last couple of years. This is the result of a number of things, not least of which is having spent a year and a half living and working in Dublin, Ireland. I have also had the opportunity to write blog posts on a professional, freelance basis, and I continue to get involved in other things that allow me to keep learning.

One of the views from Killiney Hill Park, Dublin, Ireland on 10th February 2019. No, it’s not always raining in Dublin, and you can go on some really nice hikes even when it is.

More importantly, however, I’ve been trying to focus on writing quality articles using the little free time I have available, rather than simply blogging about whatever everyone else is talking about.

In fact, while the past couple of years have seen a mixture of content, I think they have included the publication of some of the most interesting articles on this blog to date, such as:

Also worth mentioning are some “Getting Started” articles, including a few on Microsoft Orleans 2.x, one on Angular 8, and another on Umbraco 8. I have a lot of such step-by-step beginner articles at Gigi Labs which often tend to be a good starting point for people wanting to start learning about new technologies.

I have had the fortune of learning a lot in these last two years, and I hope I will get the chance to share some of that. Even if articles might not be published very regularly, I hope that you will find that they’re worth the wait.

I also continue to be involved in the local tech community in Malta — in fact, I launched a new website in June called Teknologija to keep track of events across the various groups. I am also open to getting involved with and speaking at events abroad, so get in touch if you’re interested.

Thank you very much for your continued support!

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