Orleans 2.0 Stateless Worker Grains

In this article, we’ll see how to create grains that automatically scale up and down depending on load, in Microsoft Orleans 2.0.

The source code for this article is very similar to that in “Getting Started with Microsoft Orleans 2.0 in .NET Core“, with a few key differences:

  • It has been modified to gracefully stop the silo and gracefully close the client.
  • It uses the latest packages at the time of writing this article – Orleans 2.0.3 and OrleansDashboard 2.0.7.
  • It uses a slightly different example, and the load generation has been adapted accordingly.

Since there’s nothing really new in the client and silo setup, we’ll be focusing mainly on the grain and load generation parts. However, you may find the full source code for this article in the Orleans2StatelessWorkers folder in the Gigi Labs BitBucket repository.

Example Grain

For the sake of example, we’ll imagine that the job of our Orleans cluster is to provide hashing as a service. A client provides an input string, and we’ll have a grain that computes a hash of the string (it doesn’t really matter what hash function it is – we’ll use MD5 in the example) and returns it.

Based on this requirement, we can easily write a grain and its corresponding interface to perform the hash calculation:

    public interface IHashGeneratorGrain : IGrainWithIntegerKey
        Task<string> GenerateHashAsync(string input);

    public class HashGeneratorGrain : Grain, IHashGeneratorGrain
        private HashAlgorithm hashAlgorithm;

        public HashGeneratorGrain()
            this.hashAlgorithm = MD5.Create();

        public Task<string> GenerateHashAsync(string input)
            var inputBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(input);
            var hashBytes = hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(inputBytes);
            var hashBase64Str = Convert.ToBase64String(hashBytes);

            return Task.FromResult(hashBase64Str);

Load Generation

Typically, when we talk about actor models, the whole point is to have an instance of an actor (grain in Orleans) per entity ID. For instance, you’d have a grain instance for each Device, Vehicle, BlogPost, Game, User, or whatever other domain object you’re dealing with. In this case, however, our grain is completely stateless, and there is no difference in behaviour between one activation and another. In fact, since the grain ID doesn’t matter, we can just pass in 0 as a sort of convention when requesting a grain of this kind:

var hashGenerator = client.GetGrain<IHashGeneratorGrain>(0);

Once we have an instance of the grain, we can generate some load by creating random strings and invoking the relevant method on the grain repeatedly:

            while (true)
                var randomString = GenerateRandomString();
                var hash = await hashGenerator.GenerateHashAsync(randomString);

You can monitor the grain’s activity from the Orleans Dashboard (localhost:8080 by default), and as you’d expect, there is only one activation of the grain:

Stateless Worker Grains

This situation is a very good fit for Stateless Worker Grains.

Normally, when you request a grain with a particular ID, you get a single activation – and it is a singleton throughout the cluster, so you would never (bar edge cases involving failover scenarios) get more than one instance of that grain in the cluster. However, if you just add a [StatelessWorker] attribute on the grain…

    public class HashGeneratorGrain : Grain, IHashGeneratorGrain

…you’ll see very different behaviour:

Notice how there are now two activations of the HashGeneratorGrain, even though we’re still requesting an instance with ID 0.

When Orleans sees the [StatelessWorker] attribute, it will create a pool of grains behind the ID you specify. This is similar to a load balancer. Those grains are hidden behind that same ID, so you can’t access individual grains in the pool directly (it wouldn’t make any sense to do that). The number of grains will grow up to as many CPU cores are available on the machine, unless you pass an argument to the attribute specifying otherwise.

Aside from autoscaling, another important benefit of stateless worker grains is that they are always local. Orleans will always execute a request to a stateless worker on the same silo where the request was generated, spawning a new activation if necessary. This saves the overhead of potentially passing the request to an instance in a different silo (i.e. remote call), which makes a lot of sense for stateless workers that are pure logic and there’s no difference between activations running in different places.

Although stateless worker grains are best used for stateless logic (as one would expect), there is nothing preventing their use with state. However, coordination of state between multiple grain activations with the same ID can be complicated. The Stateless Worker Grains documentation describes some patterns where stateless worker grains with state make sense (although calling them that way is bizarre).


  • Use the [StatelessWorker] attribute to treat a grain as a stateless worker grain.
  • This creates a load-balanced autoscaling pool of grains with the same ID.
  • Requests to stateless worker grains are always local and never incur a remote call.
  • Stateless worker grains may have state, although this is unusual.

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