Streaming Data with ASP .NET Web API and PushContentStream

This article explains how you can subscribe to a data stream and receive data pushed spontaneously by the server, using the ASP .NET Web API. It is intended as nothing more than a learning exercise. Technologies such as WebSockets, SignalR, WCF or even plain sockets may be more suitable for this kind of thing.

Update 2015-03-14: Full source code for server and client applications is now available.

The Server

Our Web API is going to allow clients to subscribe to a service which will send the price of… something every two seconds. To start off, you will need to create a new Web project with a Web API component, and create a new controller (which I called PriceController).

Then, it is simply a matter of sending back a response whose content is a PushStreamContent:

        public HttpResponseMessage Subscribe(HttpRequestMessage request)
            var response = request.CreateResponse();
            response.Content = new PushStreamContent((a, b, c) =>
                { OnStreamAvailable(a, b, c); }, "text/event-stream");
            return response;

The odd arguments in the lambda are a workaround for an unfortunate ambiguity between PushStreamContent constructors in Web API 2.

The implementation for OnStreamAvailable() is pretty simple:

        private void OnStreamAvailable(Stream stream, HttpContent content,
            TransportContext context)
            var client = new StreamWriter(stream);

We’re simply wrapping a StreamWriter around the stream, and then keeping it in a ConcurrentBag called “clients”.

The last thing we need is a timer to periodically send the price data. This is what the timer’s Elapsed event looks like:

        private async static void timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            var price = 1.0 + random.NextDouble(); // random number between 1 and 2

            foreach (var client in clients)
                    var data = string.Format("data: {0}\n\n", price);
                    await client.WriteAsync(data);
                    await client.FlushAsync();
                    StreamWriter ignore;
                    clients.TryTake(out ignore);

Every 2 seconds, a random number between 1 and 2 is selected, and is sent to all subscribed clients. The data is sent based on the format for Server-Sent Events.

If an exception occurs, then the client is effectively unsubscribed by removing it from the ConcurrentBag. This is necessary because, as Henrik Nielsen states in this discussion:

Detecting that the TCP connection has been reset is something that the Host (ASP, WCF, etc.) monitors but in .NET 4 neither ASP nor WCF tells us (the Web API layer) about it. This means that the only reliable manner to detect a broken connection is to actually write data to it. This is why we have the try/catch around the write operation in the sample. That is, responses will get cleaned up when they fail and not before.

PriceController – Full Code

All you need to get the PriceController working are the member variable declarations and the static constructor which initialises them. I’m providing the entire class below so that you can just copy it and get up and running.

    public class PriceController : ApiController
        private static ConcurrentBag<StreamWriter> clients;
        private static Random random;
        private static Timer timer;

        static PriceController()
            clients = new ConcurrentBag<StreamWriter>();

            timer = new Timer();
            timer.Interval = 2000;
            timer.AutoReset = true;
            timer.Elapsed += timer_Elapsed;

            random = new Random();

        private async static void timer_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            var price = 1.0 + random.NextDouble(); // random number between 1 and 2

            foreach (var client in clients)
                    var data = string.Format("data: {0}\n\n", price);
                    await client.WriteAsync(data);
                    await client.FlushAsync();
                    StreamWriter ignore;
                    clients.TryTake(out ignore);

        public HttpResponseMessage Subscribe(HttpRequestMessage request)
            var response = request.CreateResponse();
            response.Content = new PushStreamContent((a, b, c) =>
                { OnStreamAvailable(a, b, c); }, "text/event-stream");
            return response;

        private void OnStreamAvailable(Stream stream, HttpContent content,
            TransportContext context)
            var client = new StreamWriter(stream);

Browser Support

To test the PriceController, you could consider firing up a browser and have it do the subscription. However, I’ve found that browser support for this is pretty crap. For instance, Firefox thinks the event stream is something you can download:


So does IE:


Chrome actually manages to display data; however it sometimes only displays part of a message (the rest is buffered and displayed when the next message is received), and has a habit of giving up:


When I originally saw these results, I thought I had done something seriously wrong. However, I realised this was not the case when I wrote a client in C# and found that it worked correctly. In fact, let’s do that now.

The Client

This client requires the latest Web API Client Libraries from NuGet. Since writing async Console applications can be a bit messy (see a workaround if you still want to take the Console direction), I wrote a simple WPF application. This just has a “Subscribe” button, and a TextBox which I named “OutputField”.

This is the code that does the subscription and streams the prices from the PriceController:

        private async void SubscribeButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            if (this.client == null)
                this.client = new HttpClient();
                var stream = await client.GetStreamAsync("http://localhost:1870/api/Price/Subscribe");

                    using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                        while (true)
                            var line = await reader.ReadLineAsync() + Environment.NewLine;

                            this.OutputField.Text += line;

                catch (Exception)
                    this.OutputField.Text += "Stream ended";

Since we’re dealing with a stream, we’re using GetStreamAsync() to talk to the Web API rather than the usual GetAsync(). Then, we can read it as we would any other stream.

And in fact, it works pretty nicely:


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8 thoughts on “Streaming Data with ASP .NET Web API and PushContentStream”

  1. Hello Mr. D’Agostino,

    Sorry to bother you, but I am currently researching how I can develop a live video streaming feature in a teaching application that I am working.

    The requirement is a teacher starts a live video stream of an MP4, and all participants can join in and watch the stream at the same time.

    I will be doing some prototyping myself, but I am curious if your work posted on could facilitate video stream content?

    I would like to hear your thoughts if you have the time.

    Thanks for the article, it was very informative!

    1. Hi, I don’t know much about video streaming, so it’s hard for me to say whether this is the best technology to use. But I do vaguely recall reading about some people having used PushContentStream for video streaming, while researching background material for this article. In fact I think I had run into this article at some point. Check it out and see whether it helps.

  2. Hello!

    I’ve tried to implement this on a wep api server meant for azure, and it works like a charm locally. However, when I try to publish it as an app service to my Azure account, the client program can connect (it gets past GetStreamAsync), but push messages never arrive (hangs forever on ReadLineAsync).
    I’ve verified that the server get’s the connection added to the client list, and text is written to the client stream, but it seems like it’s never actually sent out on the network. Have you run into similar issues, or do you know any way to find out where the problem(s) lie?

    1. Hello again, and sorry for bothering.
      It seems like the problem is a networking one on my local machine as I’ve tested it successfully from another IP. Not sure exactly why it’s not working on my test machine, but the code itself is working great, so thank you very much!

  3. According to the documentation for ConcurrentBag, the “TryTake” method removes an object from the collection, it DOES NOT necessarily remove the one that you want to remove. Since there are no “ConcurrentList” objects, I recommend a good old fashion “List” using a lock around “add” and “remove” method, just be sure to copy the list before going into the “foreach” loop. The Linq extension “ToList()” works well. For a high volume situation, you may want to do something more effective.

  4. subscribe method never returns for me
    return statement is called, but the client never get a response, it is reproduced both in client test and browser.
    what may be the reason?

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